Kayla Gayle

Growing up in the Tennessee Smokey Mountains provided me with more life knowledge than I know what to do with. I have a crippling caffeine addiction (maybe not crippling...), but that gives me the opportunity to experiment with making homemade cold brew. I love to embroider, bake, watch crime shows, and take pictures. I have an incredible love for soccer and anything sour. I have a beautiful family that I am fiercely protective of, and I hope to get to know you as well.

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been there. done that.

Trust me, I know what every moment will be like.

As weird as it is to say it, I've already been where you are right now. I am married to the love of my life, I have a beautiful baby, and we have been in the process of continuing our little family. I know what these moments feel like and I know what is real. I want you to have those same, awe inspiring feelings to match the precious moments ahead.